Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Vent for march

New job.
Week one- learn to get up at 7am. Yes, I said 7AM. Gross.
step 2- Learn to sit through 9 hours of lecture and training.
my job?- Behavioral health advocate at a psychiatric hospital.
Yes, they was talk of a woman who walked around with her dead dogs head in her purse. No jokes. Seems to me I bag all the "interesting" jobs, while all I really want to do is give up this social work related counselor crap and be a writer and get into a MFA program. NO NEWS ON THAT YET!!
DAMN THEM ALL!! I am going crazy waiting.
Oh, and to fine tune the madness, I leave late April for my wedding in India..if that was not enough to stress me out.
So now for the next month I will have to deal with these three things-

1. Work with crazy people.(which I actually in some way look forward to and at the same time slightly scared, it is a slightly different ball game working with delinquent teenage horny boys and just plain crazy folk...but all the same)

2. Play the waiting game, for MFA news which more than likely I will be rejected.
at the same token I am praying like never before.

3. Prepare for wedding that will take place about 10,000 miles away from where I am right now.

Not to be a drama queen or anything, I am not pissed or angry or frustrated. But just putting it out there:)

then there are the Bangalore attacks on women,who are allegedly destroying the pure image of the Indian woman. talibanzation of Bangalore, another result of our growing economic gap. This is why I feel, writing, social activism and theater in blore is where my heart is.

and then , since this is my blog.
Fuck everything I am going to bed.



  1. Hi, Reeze!

    I saw a post of yours at the MFA Blog and thought I'd say hello: Hello!

    Did you apply to Colorado State, and, if so, which genre did you apply under?

    Feel free to e-mail back:

  2. So I'm still waiting on the colorado state rejection letter.

