Monday, March 9, 2009

Given the stresses and general whining about things that I have no control over ( the economy, women bashing in Bangalore, MFA applications that don't want to get back to me and childhood trauma induced vegetarianism) I owe it to my blog to write something rather whimsical.
So I thought I would write a note on why I named my blog "glassbangle adventures". Glass bangles are synonyms with my Bangalore theater group Masrah, it represents our oddball semi ethnic semi hippie way of dressing. It represents the one thing I can still buy for 0ne cent in India, beautiful glass bangles in all colors from a cart sold to by a person who sells them cheap enough you almost don't want to bargain. Almost.
Glass bangles was something I wear everyday (well I have stopped now because my job requires me to remove my nose stud and clingy clangy things- fascists!!)
and they represent the colorful,pro active,positive and diverse things I enjoy in my bi cultural life. And given that life is an adventure in some given form the name is very fitting.
So there that is my whimsical note for the day.
I am going to get some interesintg info about the Bangalore attacks, and some pro community organisations that have sprouted because of this on this blog, and hopefully start a discussion.
Have a fabulous mid March.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely fascists if they make you take out your nose ring.

    And MFA programs are so weird, don't worry.

    One of my good friends is at Florida State this year and she didn't get in til like April 2 last year, with funding, after they'd been rejecting forever.
