Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The chaos of India, the Isolation of America

So I have not written in about oh 2 months. I have good excuses. I got married in India to Arun, and had hot summer honeymoon (no pun intended) in Thiland.
I just got back last night, and got blogger guilt.
So my next blog will be about the wedding but until then I feel I msut write about what I am feeling about today.
I woke up this morning at 7am (I am jet lagged this is the only reason I woke up this early) to complete and utter silence. oh my ganesha!! SILENCE.
After waking up to a month of cackling family and relatives in my house in Bangalore ,smells of toast and garam masala and MTV-kick ass mornings in the background- this is utter despair for me. I didnt have to dodge my family from eating enormous breakfasts of potato's soaked in oil ,no one is asking me why I am running out to get an auto rickshaw to to go to kormangla. No one asking me to come finish wedding shopping, no draping my to be wedding outfits and prancing about like rani mukherjee.
Outside my apartment it is cloudy, cool and silent. neighbors walk their dogs - no auto horns and people bustling. No stray dogs insight and I have to make my own damn breakfast. There is no milk in the house I cant walk to my corner store and ask for supplies. No bewilderment in the shopkeepers face when I tell him I dont want a plastic bag, I shall carry the milk packets in my hands. Oh god I shall have to drive to safeway and in isolation I will have to buy a carton of milk and other such choice groceries.
No floods to worry about , Colorado is expecting tornadoes I hear. Sigh. I log onto YouTube to play "emotional attyachar" from DEV.D to break the mind numbing silent whirring of the refrigerator. No shanti or Lakshmi maids to walk into my bedroom giggling at my salwar option of the day. My husband Arun - oh god husband. will be back for lunch. (what lunch?)
He too is homesick and jet lagged, and sleepy.
No I shall shower, and I dont have to put a geysor on to heat my bath water up. It is ready to go. No buckets of water and mugs. I dont have to walk and battle with a auto driver for a resonable fair. I have to drive my car around people who know how to keep "persoanl space". No pollution ,no carbon monoxide spewing from trucks and lungs are clearing up.
In the L.A airport while deboarding last morning there was a sign outside. " There are carcinogenic elements in the air that will be harmful for your reproductive system and such other bullshit" - I would like to point out firstly- after I laugh - India is the most populated country in the world,well after China. cancer causing pollution is India's middle name - there are no such bullshit signs there. If there were I would laugh again. HAHAHAHAHAHAH.
America oh America dont you see? you one day are going to have the weakest immune system in the world so very soon !! propagators of paranoia!!
Indians,and perhaps Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, and quite possibly Nepalis and some Thai people and Vietnamese and such inhale pure poison every day and they are reproducing just fine. There lungs are adjusted. Cancer will have to hold its horses.
Anyhow, now it is possible to enjoy the other things here. Such as gearing up to hike in colorados mountains (where isolation is acceptable to me). To enjoy the antics of the new college crowed that will infiltrate for the coming semester of my Alma matter Colorado State.
I also have a list of films to watch given to me by my best Friend paromita.
The isolation shall be bitten my bollywood music and my sprit lifted by one hour cardio sessions and my funny bone to be tickled with Fox news.
Till then, please remember to wear your seat belts.

1 comment:

  1. I love your pictures! This is Karin, from CSU. Hope you don't mind if I follow you on Blogger.

